The Best Time To Engage In Physical Activities

For every reason in favour of working out, there’s an excuse waiting in the wings to keep you from becoming that guy who sits down and does not have flab mushrooming over his belt. But maybe there’s more to it than just being lazy? Maybe. We asked integrative psychologist, health and nutrition coach, and personal trainer Leanne Hall  about how external factors affect different types of physical activity.

Get your head right

Generally speaking, perfect training conditions don’t exist. And even if they did, you’d still find something to whinge about. “The brain will nearly always come up with 100 reasons why the conditions aren’t ‘perfect’, because there is no such thing as perfect!” Hall recommends thinking less about excuses and instead taking a philosophical and holistic approach to workouts: acknowledge the chicken-egg connection between mind and body and nurture both.  

Sex: It’s what’s for breakfast… or dinner?

When it comes to getting it on, the genders seem to be split between morning and night as their favoured time slots. “Generally, men prefer mornings,” Hall says. “They are rested and more energised, plus the light means those who are more visual get more pleasure!” In terms of night sessions, Hall explains, “Women often prefer evenings – no morning breath! – because they feel more relaxed, mood lighting is better, and there’s usually more time for foreplay! Some would say sex in the evening is a good way to release the cortisol [stress hormone] that builds up during the day, too.”

When it comes to running, go for Minaj, not Mozart

No, your soundtrack won’t turn you into Usain, but it will help you pound the pavement with greater purpose. According to Hall, “Music tends to elevate one’s mood, so it can have a positive effect on your pre-workout motivation. During a run, misinterpreting the normal discomfort associated with physical activity can cause anxiety, and some of us tend to zone in on this discomfort. By listening to music, we can take our attention away from these thoughts. ”

Hall was recently involved in a study done by sports headphone manufacturer Jaybird. In it, participants were asked to set their runs to playlists featuring different music genres i.e. Pop, Reggae, Classical, Rock. The findings? “Pop was the most favoured genre; Classical was the least favoured. This is no surprise: Pop has a beat more conducive to running, and concentrating on the lyrics helps provide focus and increased enjoyment. Classical music often has an irregular ‘beat’, with its multiple facets and changing pace. It’s very difficult to get into a rhythm and, in some ways, is also a bit distracting.”

Mood: Active

In 2017, every day seems to be a mood-altering whirlwind of work, personal stuff (good and bad), and content (OK, fine, heaps of memes). When should we be working out, then: when we’re feeling down and out or when we’re feeling like the king of the world? “Physical activity stimulates the release of ‘feel good’ neurotransmitters, such as serotonin and dopamine, as well as endorphins,” says Hall. “Exercising when we’re stressed or depressed helps us feel better by improving mood, but it’s best to keep a routine, as it’s harder to find motivation if we aren’t feeling good.” And just in case you needed another argument in favour of morning sex: “It’s also natural to feel more motivated for physical activity when our energy levels are higher and we feel rested, such as in the morning. Hence, starting the day by having sex or going for a run,” Hall says, thankfully.

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