Kettlebell Training Mistakes

If you’re using kettlebells the right way, there’s all kinds of benefits to your total body – hamstrings, core, arms, shoulders. It improves your cardio. You can add tons of variety with kettlebells, advancing from Russian (eye-level) or American (overhead) swings to kettlebell cleans and snatches. Kettlebells make for a perfect at-home or park workout and with the inherent intensity that adding kettlebells brings to your workout, you will be able to do more work in less time. Yes kettlebell and particularly kettlebell swings are total-body fitness royalty.

But if you’re doing it wrong, it’s gonna hurt. If you back is super tight or your quads are burning or you want to drop the bell after five swings, you’ve screwed something up.

RELATED: Kettlebell Moves For Six-Pack Abs

Don’t say you hate kettlebell swings. “Ah man, they really mess with my back.

No bro, you’re messing with your back. So let’s get that fixed.

MISTAKE #1 : You’re Squatting

If you’re squatting every time the kettlebell is between your legs, you fail. Yes, kettlebell swings do work your legs, but they aren’t leg day material. If you want to squat, hug the bell and do goblet squats. Otherwise you should be hinging at your hips, sticking your ass slightly out, keeping the kettlebell tight to your body. Then shoot your hips forward and squeeze your ass tight to drive the bell up. You’re trying to build momentum with the swing. If you’re squatting, you’re killing that momentum each time. Work smarter.

MISTAKE #2: You’re Not Using Your Hips

Just as important as it is to start by sticking your ass out and hinging at your hips, it’s just as important that you use your hips to create power. If you’re half-assing it, then you’re doing all the work with your shoulders. Bad idea.

You should be humping the hell out of that bell. If you show it some love, it’ll show you some back. But remember you're driving the kettlebell up, not out. If you push your hips too far forward you'll create an arch in your back and that's not good for anyone.

MISTAKE #3: You’re Rounding Your Back

If you’re back is killing you, you’re definitely doing it wrong. If you arching your back every time the bell goes up, you’ll be walking like you belong in a nursing home tomorrow. You’ll have to keep your core tight throughout each kettlebell swing. Do not follow the bell with your eyes. If it goes up and your head goes up with it, your back will surely arch and we refuse to take the blame for that. Pick a spot on the wall ahead of you and stare at it during every rep. It’ll keep your head stable and your chest up with each rep.

When the kettlebell goes up, try to pull your ribs down and squeeze your stomach tight like you’re prepping to get punched. When you’re doing these right, kettlebell swings will help strengthen your lower back, especially for those with back issues that want to avoid exercises like good mornings and heavy deadlifts.

MISTAKE #4: You’re Getting Thrown Around

If the kettlebell is throwing you around, it’s too damn heavy. Don’t be a hero. Pick up a lighter bell. No now the scary one with the skeleton face. Pick up a bell that you can handle until you get your form together. If you and the kettlebell are dancing some kind of elaborate tango dance, you fail. You want your heels to be nailed to the ground. You’ll have to engage your lats -- meaning squeeze your back muscles -- to make sure the kettlebell doesn’t pull you down. Your kettlebell swings should not feel like you’re riding a rollercoaster.

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