Staying In Shape When You Are Living By Yourself

From nothingness, the universe was created. From a simple caterpillar, a butterfly emerges. A dorky teen grows up to be a fashion model, or a bodybuilder. The one constant in life is change, and in our new Transformation of the Week series, AskMen is celebrating men who have turned their lives around through dedication, commitment and hard work. Is that you? Email us your story and pictures at  and you could be featured next week!

Redditor aModernViking managed to pull off what so few people in his situation could do. He turned his life around by getting fit. He lost over 100 pounds in the span of only eight months -- truly a transformation.

When he was younger he was very active, playing football at school. He jonied the army at the age of 18 and spent a year there. But when he got to university, he had to take care of himself, his own rent and his diet. 

However after the army I decided to go to university, and that meant I would move in to my own apartment and take control of my life 100% on my own. I failed miserably. Within 1.5 year I had gained over 40 kilos, and I got stretch marks over my belly, armpits, calves and arms. 

He started spending a lot of time by himself in his apartment. He started eatin gjunk food, he played video games non-stop and stopped going to school altogether. 

He decided to move to Australia to get a fresh start. 

The first thing he did was to cut out soda. He then started walking for hours every day. And the pounds started to drop. His confidence started to come back. But he still didn't feel 100% confident about his own body. He decided to hit the gym and managed to get his weight down to 160 pounds. 

His diet is rather peculiar: he loves tacos and doesn't mind eating them for every meal.

Although I was solely focused on calories, and not what I ate, when I lost weight. I currently am very strict with what I eat. However I am a person that can eat the same things over and over again and this is what I eat every day:

Breakfast: 65-80g Oats - Put water on it and heat, make it porridge.

Lunch: Tacos. 2-3 Tortilla, Capsicum, Corn, Lettuce, Onion and 100-150g of white meat.

Dinner: Tacos. 2-3 Tortilla, Capsicum, Corn, Lettuce, Onion and 100-150g of white meat.

Late night food: 2-3 Tacos. Tortilla, Capsicum, Corn, Lettuce, Onion and 100-150g of white meat OR 65-80g Oats - Put water on it and heat, make it porridge.

While it may not work for most, it's testament to the fact that if you eat the right things, you will end up seeing results. The white meat provides enough protein, and the vegetables and oats round out his diet.

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