This Guy Lost 200 Pounds By Following This Diet
From nothingness, the universe was created. From a simple caterpillar, a butterfly emerges. A dorky teen grows up to be a fashion model, or a bodybuilder. The one constant in life is change, and in our newTransformation of the Week series, AskMen is celebrating men who have turned their lives around through dedication, commitment and hard work. Is that you? Email us your story and pictures at and you could be featured next week!
Redditor abraxsis had enough. By the end of his junior year of college, he reached a bodyweight of 400 pounds. He realised that this wasn't a healthy place to be for a 6 foot 2 guy. After a scary encounter with a panic attack at the ER, he was prescribed blood pressure medication and told to lose weight. And this is exactly what he did.
His friends inspired him to hit the gym and he decided to hit the recumbent cycle machine for 30 minutes. The next day, he could barely walk from the pain, but the following recovery proved to him that his body was able to get past the pain. It was time to keep going and never stop.
Three times a week at the gym helped him lose 120 pounds. But medical troubles in the following years stopped him from getting in ultimate shape.
It was very clear to him that his diet had to change for the fat loss to stay permanent in the long run. He started with cutting out high fat foods, but realised it wasn't getting him where he wanted to be.
What he tried next is what a lot of people out there find a lot of success with. It's called a ketogenic diet and essentially allows you to eat foods that are high in unsaturated fats, but low (or in some extreme cases, completely lack) carbohydrates. By limiting your body's supply of glucose, it decides to use up the fat reserves of the body instead.
He started also limiting his caloric intake down to around 2500 calories for the last bit.
So what's next for abraxsis? He plans to climb Mount Elbert or Rainier. We wish him the best of luck.
Follow his journey on /r/fitness here.
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