How Technology Changed Dating

Once upon a time, people met the love of their life at bars (and I don’t mean swiping on Tinder at bars). Back then, if things worked out, rather than rely on AI, you actually had to speak to another human to book a date night dinner reservation. You could live your entire life never seeing your ex’s wedding photos. But on the bright side, if you can only get off while dressed as a clown in a group sex setting, today, there’s an app for that. From fetish sites to your new girlfriend Alexa, here are seven ways that technology has changed dating forever.

We’ve All Become Master Detectives

Once upon a time, a person would enjoy an affair without much chance of discovery from their wife or husband. I’m not advocating cheating, I’m just saying, in the era in which Donald Trump is likely trying to bring America back to, it was easier to have a mistress (and whatever the male version of a mistress is -- I don’t think there is one, which is bullshit). If you did cheat, and told your wife, unless she already knows the woman, she’d have to open up a phone book, get in a car, and do some major leg work to even get a glimpse of what this adulterer looked like. Now, thanks to social media, if someone cheats on us, not only can we find out their name and what they look like, but what they wore for Halloween in college, the embarrassing bands they liked on Facebook, as well as their parent’s middle names. So, don’t have an affair unless you’re prepared to come home to your wife asking you, “Seriously? You slept with someone named Becky from New Jersey who's fucking Facebook header is a sloth? You don’t need to cheat, or be cheated on, to experience this. What’s the hair color of your ex’s new flame? What do they do for a living? You know the answer; admit it.

You Can’t Get Away With Anything

While social media brands itself as bringing people together, it can also lead to the demise of any relationships. Sure, sometimes social media can be a useful tool for you to act as a detective. If someone is cheating on you, and putting your emotional, mental, and physical health at stake, I give you full permission to go full detective on their ass.

However, thanks to social media, little things that mean nothing can look like something. For instance, let’s say you’re pooping. While you’re popping, you’re scrolling through Instagram, and liking photo after photo without giving it much thought. You told your girlfriend that you’d call her, but you aren’t at the moment, because you’re taking a shit. But meanwhile, she’s at her place, pissed off that you haven’t called yet, but have managed to like five photos in a row of your hot college ex. Your actions were harmless, but from her perspective, you prioritized liking a photo of an ex over calling her. Or, you’re out with friends for drinks, and casually talking to someone of the opposite sex. Someone in your friend group Snapchats the moment, and now you’re on the internet “flirting with another girl. With life, and our actions, now basically live-streamed, you can’t get away with anything -- even if you’re not doing anything wrong.

You Can Fulfill Your Sexual Fantasies

So far, we’ve mostly discussed some downfalls of how technology has changed dating forever. So now, let’s talk about the good stuff. With hook-up apps like Tinder and Grindr, and kink-specific ones such as Feeld, it’s easier than ever to find someone who shares your sexual fantasies and desires. And of course, there’s FetLife, the kinky social network with thousands of groups for every kink and fantasy imaginable. Not only do such websites allow you to meet people to hook up with, but they often host listings for kink events and play (sex) parties in your area. So, if you have a foot fetish, but have been nervous how to find a way to act it out without judgement, fear not. Go online, join FetLife, and download Feeld, and you’ll be chatting with someone who shares your sexual desires, no matter how niche, in no time.

You Can Date From Your Couch

I always say that Tinder is our generation’s Tetris. Yes, yes, you can use it to actually date and get laid. But you can also use it simply to swipe, more like a video game. And should you happen to swipe on someone who swipes you back, all the better. But the best part about dating apps such as Tinder? It’s literally like online shopping for sex. Rather than shower, shave, and get dressed to prowl the bar scene, you can pick people up while watching reruns in your pajamas on your couch. It’s become the golden era of dating for introverts.

You Can Schedule Dates From Your Couch

Have you met someone you like thanks to technology? Well, along with dating apps, we now have voice-activated artificial intelligence such as Siri and Alexa. Rather than pick up the phone and make reservations, all you have to do is say, “Alexa, what’s that ramen place downtown I like? Make me a reservation for two this Friday night at 8 P.M. And boom, your robot girlfriend will make plans for you and your human girlfriend. When you get back from ramen, ask Alexa to put on a sex playlist. The only risk is that your human girlfriend might get jealous of your robot girlfriend.

People Actually Use Bars to Drink With Their Friends

An unexpected change in dating due to the rise of technology in dating apps is how the bar scene has been affected. Have you noticed lately that people seem to pick up one another less? Everyone uses their phones to get laid. The bar scene is less a place to buy someone a drink, but to take a night away from dating and actually have a beer with your buddies. Just don’t spend the entire time on your phone.

There’s Always Other Options… In Your Pocket

Now for the most brutally honest truth of them all: Thanks to technology such as dating apps, other options aren’t just a fantasy in your head. They are a simple click away. Even if we’re in a generally happy relationship, when we hit a rough patch, it’s really tempting, and even understandable, to re-download Tinder and do some swiping. You want to remind yourself that should your relationship fall to shit, there are other options out there. While this can be reassuring, it can also be dangerous. Because someone’s Tinder profile is just a screenshot of who they are. Each person on there comes with an entire personality and set of issues, probably even more unbearable than your current partner’s problems. So, always swipe responsibly.

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