Best Online Hookup Stories

Meeting a stranger from an online dating site, IRL usually involves the story of a quick escape that needed to be made when your match ended up looking nothing like her profile picture. Or cried to you about her ex-boyfriend. Or showed up covered in cat hair and proceeded to show you photo after photo of her cat, Mittens.

If you're starting to feel discouraged after yet another failed attempt at sealing the deal with an online dating match that seemed so promising, here are some inspirational stories from women revealing their dating app hookups that actually went well.

1. Memorable Moments In The Men’s Room

"Back in the days of 'Tinder Moments,' where you could post a picture that would act as a status of sorts where all of your matches could view your picture, my bff and I would plan our nights out using that feature. We would post a hot picture of the two of us together on a Saturday night and ask Tinder, 'Can we come party with you?' Then We would weigh our options, and choose guys to meet up with. Most of the time our efforts were fruitless, but there was this one night that I scored big.

We met up with a guy that was actually my friend's match, and his friend from out of town. They were both Southern boys and my friend and I are from NYC (where we were) so we teased them a bunch about it, obviously. I went to the bathroom at the same time as my friend's 'match,' and we both started drunkenly making out by the bathrooms. One thing led to another, and before I knew it we were doing it in the men's bathroom. I never told my friend."
—Sarina, 29

2. So You Had A Bad Day

"The best sex I ever had was from a random night when I agreed to a last-minute date from Hinge. We would been talking for a few weeks and I thought he was fine, but wasn't in a big rush to meet him or anything. Then I had a sh*tty day at work and my ex texted me some B.S. and I just wanted to be drinking with somebody. I sent my match a message on a whim, just to see if he would be down to meet up for a drink and surprisingly he was free.

When we were face to face he was definitely different from the guy I had gotten to know online, but it was a good kind of different. A quiet, hot kind of different. Everything he said sounded deep and sexy. Maybe it was the tequila we were drinking, I don't know. All I know is that we got in a cab together and our mouths didn't leave each other’s for the next four hours or so. Spontaneity, am I right?"
—Samantha, 25

3. Pleasantly Surprised In The Kitchen

"I was on pretty much every dating app at the time when my friend convinced me to add one more to my roster — Bumble. Honestly when I first logged on I thought, no way are these profiles real, because all of my matches were considerably better looking than on any other app. So when I matched with 'Nathan,' I figured the same thing that always happens would go down. We would meet up. He'd look nothing like his picture or smell like old milk or something else that would be a dealbreaker. We would awkwardly make small talk, then I'd make an excuse and head home.

Except the complete opposite of that happened. We met at a craft beer hall by my house, and he measured up to the guy he claimed to be on his profile. Exceeded it, even. He was just as funny in person as he was via text, which basically never happens to me. I figured that he chose the bar we were at because it was so close to where I lived and obviously he was planning on trying to get it in, but when he dropped me off he actually walked me to my door and kissed me goodnight. Then I invited him in, and we had sex on every surface of my kitchen. We're still dating."
—Sara, 29

4. Getting Hot ‘n’ Heavy In The Weight Room

"My ex and I had just broken up, and I was in this mindset where I just needed the last guy that I slept with to not be my ex, if that makes any sense. So my single girlfriends obviously all insisted that I download Tinder immediately, and that I'd have a ton of options to choose from for who was going to be the next 'last' guy that I slept with. They weren't wrong. People were so thirsty on the app that I literally had my pick of whoever I wanted. Which actually made it tough to narrow down. I settled on a hot personal trainer, who insisted that we go to dinner even though I had made my intentions extremely clear.

He takes me to this really nice farm-to-table restaurant because he eats healthy since he's a trainer and all, and my mind is in the gutter the whole time because he's insanely built and all I can think about is mounting him. We finish dinner and it's late, around 11, but he asks me to go with him to the gym that he trains at, which he says is closed. I try and get him to take me back to my place, but he insists that he just has to make a quick stop to pick up something he forgot. He lets us in the back door, and we're in the weight room, and I sit down on one of the weight benches and wait for him to get whatever he came for. Then he sits down with me on the weight bench and starts taking my clothes off, and it made sense why we were really there."
—Leslie, 23

5. Getting Back Out There

"Fresh off a breakup with a guy who I had dated for almost five years, I joined Coffee Meets Bagel against my better judgment. The reason I chose this app is because it only gives you one match per day, which meant that I wouldn't be swiping left and right all day like my other single friends do on other apps. Plus it shut my friends up and made them happy that I was on a dating site and 'getting back out there.' I was on for a few weeks when I matched with a guy who caught my interest. We had the same taste in TV shows, and exchanged a few jokes about our favorite characters, and eventually agreed to meet up. I didn't really have any expectations since I was still mourning my last relationship.

But when we met and locked eyes and it was electric. We were at the bar where we met up at for a solid four hours on a Tuesday, and when we finally looked at the time we both couldn't believe how late it was. He offered to walk me home, and I let him since it was late. At this point I was still trying to convince myself that this wasn't a big deal, and that there was no way I was ready for something serious so soon after my last relationship, so I invited him in and we went at it. We've been dating for almost a year now, and whenever people ask how we met I tell this story. I wish that more positive things like our relationship came out of dating apps. For anyone out there struggling, I hope this story gives you hope that it's possible."
—Susan, 27

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