10 Minute Abs Exercise Routine: Home Ab Workout

Fitness Blender's 10 Minute Abs Routine targets the entire abdominal panel, and obliques. The abdominal and obliques exercises in the home routine below are combined with cardio intervals to keep your heart rate up and help burn the most fat.

This can easily be a beginner abs workout routine or a very advanced abs workout; you can adapt each of the exercises to your own fitness level by choosing the level of difficulty that best suits you. All that you need for this routine is a thick mat.

Program Structure:
Do each of the exercises for 60 seconds. Don’t worry if you can’t do each component for a full minute; stop briefly when you need to but return to the move as soon as possible to finish out the full minute.

Jumping Oblique Twists

Pilates Hundreds

Windshield Wipers

Jumping jacks

Russian Twists

Pilates Side Hip Raises- 30 seconds each side

Captain Morgan’s - 30 seconds each side


Toe Touch Crunch

Pilates Table Top

Complete twice through for a quick twenty minute workout, and three times through for the most toning benefits.

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If you do the easiest versions of these exercises, this is not overly challenging and is perfect for beginners. For a more intense challenge, try the hardest version of all of the abs exercises and home cardio workout moves in order to increase both the demand on your core and your caloric burn.

It is a good idea to combine any abdominal routine with a complimentary back strengthening routine. And remember; abs are made in the kitchen. You've got to eat clean and work to reach a healthy bodyweight before you'll ever see any of your hard work show up in the form of ab muscles.

Blend this home workout routine with at least one other of the programs listed below for maximum calorie burn and total body toning:

38 Minute Booty Boot Camp video - A bodyweight routine for inner and outer thigh and glutes
26 Minute Total Body Boot Camp Video - No equipment necessary

Via : https://acdbbabbedbfeddk.blogspot.com


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